Friday, February 22, 2008


a few highlights from yesterday...

- leg presses at 7:00 a.m.

- got dogged out by P.K. because i am weak and he is strong...very strong

- we had our first REAL camp planning meeting (INTERMISSION 08 will be amazing!!)

- Tracy's mock ups for the logo are looking SCHWEET!!!

- shot the first series video (thanks John, Berry and Stacy)

- i almost passed out when Jason Berry delivered his first pick up line:
"Hey Stacy, should we go to dinner or do you just wanna make out?" She slapped him hard...really hard.
(This is definitely what not to do when asking a girl out on a date)

- favorite line from the shoot: Jason is about to serenade his way to a date- "Hey Stacy...have you ever seen a guitar?"

* I am writing this in my office at home in our garage and am shivering because it is freakishly cold in here!!!

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