Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I know that many out there are Joel Osteen fans. You have to be, his book has been in the top 10 on NY Times best sellers list for about 60 weeks now.

Never been a huge fan, but I think this sums it up better than I ever could.

Also- Really big fan of video blogging.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

another great example

note: if you suffer from claustrophobia (spell check anyone?) this video might be a little too much for you.

but, if you wonder if MS ministry is for you, then just take a look at this video.

What's you response? Amazed? Repulsed? Throw up in your mouth?

Or was it like mine, "Cool...Dude we have to do that!"

in the past

read a cool Bible passage that we talked about this past Sunday at Encounter.

Hebrews 9:14.

Amazing to think that God not only delivered me from sin, but also from the guilt and shame that go along with that sin.

Truly Amazing.

Monday, May 19, 2008

love this...

this is the new ad from lexus in their latest ad campaign.

the song is one of my favorite parts, although i think it might be one of the most brilliant commercials in the past couple of years.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

more crazy

Crazy Love won't be in stock on Amazon until 5-15-08...slow pokes!

But, the book is available at Lifeway. (Trust me, this is the only time I will ever advocate anyone going to lifeway for any reason other than to pick up some "really cool and relevant," christian t-shirts.)


Most of the time when I talk about books here I do so in an explanatory or informative way. I have reviewed and recommended books and I think that all of them have proven to be good if not great reads.

With that being said...go buy this book.

Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

Buy it, order it, do whatever you have to to get your hands on this thing. I sat on my couch in pure worship while reading late last night.

Trust me...you will not be the same after reading this one.

Monday, May 5, 2008

What I'm Learning Today...

::Sitting in St. Arbucks here in Woodstock waiting to meet up with Dave for the night...and I'm thinking::

- I have had an awesome day so far. I think it started with a conversation with Wife-0 last night when we were talking about healthy personal time as compared to work time. So much is made of "not wanting to be a workaholic," and Andy's "cheat the church," philosophy that working hard has come under some real fire.

Here is what I think:
I am a worker, and I am not scared of working hard. I do not believe that life change comes from hearing a message, but from time spent in relationships. (JB) I love what I do and value the fact that I get to do this for a living. Why then should I feel bad for giving myself to my job with all that I am? I live and breathe to see life change, laughing faces, and true self reflection in the middle school students with which I work.

I will not feel bad about the time that this requires. I will not listen to those around me whine about not having enough, "down time." I will be a good steward of what I have been given.

Leadership is after all stewardship. It is temporary. And I am accountable. - Andy Stanley: Catalyst 2005

God, thank you for wise ears and intelligent people around me. You have blessed me with a wife who is the uber-encourager and listener. She is so amazing that sometimes I am overwhelmed.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

how i see me

sometimes it is easy to get down on one's self...to be a little too self deprecating. i can easily forget how God sees me and only look through my all to often self mirror which is to say... a little distorted. how do you think God sees you?

in the pipeline

for this week...

1.) finish 5 min. vision statement for middle school ministry

2.) event and program line item budget for 2008-2009

3.) hang with dave at fbc woodstock on monday night

4.) finish article for GROUP magazine on true creativity

5.) make tweaks on new believer curriculum that we are writing in house

6.) series planning for next week

7.) sermon for Wednesday night

8.) research podcasting stuff for the fall

Thursday, May 1, 2008

First day of May-O

Today is the first day of May, so... let's start with some random randomness

- Last night we broke our world record at ReMix. 310 people in the world's largest tickle fight. How was it? It looked like someone had shot a bee hive with a shotgun. But it was really fun.

- 30 new Christians from last night. God moved and it seems that he can use anyone and anything to accomplish his purposes.

- 2/3 of the way filled up for summer camp already.

- Only 3 more basketball games left. praise the Lord!!

- On a related note, I start playing baseball on June 2. (I know, I'm like Deion Sanders..which tragically, none of my students know who he is.

- Reading a great book right now, "Humility," by Andrew Murray

- Really wishing that facebook hadn't added that chat feature...now it takes twice as long to write a message! haha

- Getting ready for the GROUP conference in June at headquarters. Denver is such a cool place and I haven't been back since I interned at Focus on the Family. I am planning on reconnecting with some old pals while I'm there.

- Actually excited about movie season this year. Indiana Jones, Iron Man, and more promise to make this summer a non tragic threequal like last summer was.

- Favorite new game of 2008 - Cornhole. I love it.