Monday, May 5, 2008

What I'm Learning Today...

::Sitting in St. Arbucks here in Woodstock waiting to meet up with Dave for the night...and I'm thinking::

- I have had an awesome day so far. I think it started with a conversation with Wife-0 last night when we were talking about healthy personal time as compared to work time. So much is made of "not wanting to be a workaholic," and Andy's "cheat the church," philosophy that working hard has come under some real fire.

Here is what I think:
I am a worker, and I am not scared of working hard. I do not believe that life change comes from hearing a message, but from time spent in relationships. (JB) I love what I do and value the fact that I get to do this for a living. Why then should I feel bad for giving myself to my job with all that I am? I live and breathe to see life change, laughing faces, and true self reflection in the middle school students with which I work.

I will not feel bad about the time that this requires. I will not listen to those around me whine about not having enough, "down time." I will be a good steward of what I have been given.

Leadership is after all stewardship. It is temporary. And I am accountable. - Andy Stanley: Catalyst 2005

God, thank you for wise ears and intelligent people around me. You have blessed me with a wife who is the uber-encourager and listener. She is so amazing that sometimes I am overwhelmed.

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