Wednesday, March 21, 2007


had a few random thoughts today...

1.) how does confidence correspond with humility?? in my life right now i feel like God is trying to rebuild my confidence after a pretty humbling two years, but how do i keep that from turning into pride?

2.) my wife is an amazing woman. right now she is driving back and forth a couple days a week just to be with me and be apart of this new start in the atl. did i mention we were also moving on sat.?? all that to say- i picked the right one.

3.) i really struggle with criticism. most of my life was spent being a people pleaser. (right now i'm in recovery) but i still feel terrible when people don't think that i am totally like whoa..

4.) i think it's fun to be a middle school pastor because you get to say things like totally like whoa...

5.) my dad is my hero.

6.) i would give up sleep for a week for sunday passes to the master's.

7.) God has made me pure and whole. "the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 tim. 1:5

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