Monday, March 12, 2007

Day One

Today is literally my first day on the job here at Crossroads. What a feeling of being overwhelmed.... I am immediately consumed it seems on every side by what can be described as a mixture of fear, anxiety, and excitement. On the other hand, God is continually teaching me mountains of faith and dependence through this time. I am reminded of how sweet and necessary some of these key relationships in my life have become. Lane is amazing. God gave me a wife who is also the strongest and most wonderfully hot woman in the world. Second, friends for support. Who am I without the relationships in my life?? Without these people life can seem pretty incomplete, like a sentence with no capitalization or punctuation. What is so great is that God is so good and faithful all throughout the day::

"On the other hand I am filled with power-- with the Spirit of the Lord.."

Micah 3:8

1 comment:

Caleb Land said...

i'm sure it beats a day at seminary