Saturday, March 31, 2007


it is said that confession is good for our soul...what does this mean for you and i?
too many times in the world of ministry, at least missional and seeker ministry, we
are too afraid to call people to take a hard look at the awfulness that is their own hearts
and souls. i thought about this today when i was reading through psalm 69, a psalm that
david prayed when it seemed that his life was crumbling down around him. he prays that, "God, you
know my folly, and my wrongs are not hidden from you."
this is such a clensing practice for those in the ministerial world. confession leads us to a place
where we are pured-out vessels and we feel all the more ready to be used and driven by God.

where does this leave us with the people that we lead?
if confession is so good for us, then why do we not call others to do the same?
do they not lead broken lives as well?
do they not feel pressure?

confession: in my life this is one of the more neglected parts of my ministry.

covenant: that i would preach the whole gospel, not just that which sounds cool and edgy.

loving life.

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