Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Grand Opening

Today marked the grand opening of our new facility on Highway 20. Result, with two services, students, children, in all we had a really large group. Now, that doesn't mean anything...but the quality of today was amazing. Giving our people something to work toward really made them reply with an awesome effort. I think everyone who is a member here felt like an insider trying to reach the community. So, please celebrate with me. 12Stone is in the process of taking our post in the Kingdom to a new level. I am so excited to be on this journey with the people here who now feel like family. I had to stop and thank God today just for allowing me to be part of what's going on here. To think about the possibility of this a year ago would have seemed laughable...actually thinking I would be in ministry a year ago seemed like a long shot. Anyway, God really is good.

This is a shot taken from tunnel entrance A during the 11:00 service.

1 comment:

mpstrick said...

Sounds like you all had a great day, hope all is well.