Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just being honest

Read some interesting stuff in the blogosphere yesterday about churches/pastors who chose not to close their doors today due to the inclement weather. I have to be honest and say that some of their stuff was pretty inflammatory. My friend Matt and his family were involved in a pretty serious accident about 10 years ago on their way to church in the snow/ice but walked away without too much physical damage.

I wonder how much pride (whether positive or negative) is required to be a successful pastor? I am not trying to lunge out at anyone here. I have to deal with my pride every moment. I have to have times with God to confess and ask for forgiveness from both God and those around me. I just want to know, what's up with that?

That being said, I just want to say that Lane is awesome. We had to call all of our volunteers and students last night which meant long hours on the phone and she called just as many people as anyone else. She is a blessing in every sense of the word and is probably reading this post going, "Pride huh? Now that's the pot calling the kettle black." LOL.

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