Thursday, June 21, 2007

why do bad things happen?

last night was one of those nights when i felt really uncomfortable with the sermon. it was our first week of "what's up with that?" and the first week's question was "why do bad things happen to good people?" i think that my final conclusion is that i am not 100 % sure why bad things happen to good people, or why good things happen to bad people. the only thing i am sure about is that it is up to me to trust God no matter what happens. i think i communicated this to the students but i am not sure. does anyone else ever feel that? uncomfortable because what you said you were going to preach didn't really materialize in your own life?

that being said, i am really impressed with our new group so far. it is amazing to see how moving 50 8th graders out and moving 50 new 6th graders in can change the dynamic of the whole scene. this will be cool to watch.

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