Monday, April 30, 2007

baptism day

yesterday could have been one of the most amazing days of my life. we had baptism day at church and it was unbelievable. we baptized 100 people!! it was great to see people responding to the prompt of the Holy Spirit and follow Christ in baptism. it was actually a little overwhelming to see grown men, fathers in their sunday clothes, get up and say in front of their families and everyone else that they wanted to get baptized. it was great. humbling. exhausting. but great. we had about 16 ms students get baptized and it was really cool to see how seriously they took the time. they weren't there for anyone else. they were there for Christ. what a great day!

1 comment:

Laura E. Moore said...

"and the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved..."
it's in acts. love you, so proud of you and the work of our Savior!!!