Wednesday, February 28, 2007

lame duck

ever thought about what it means to be a lame duck? the congress that just exited was for a couple of months a lame duck congress. they still had the titles, they still had their position, but what they lacked was the confidence of the people that were supposed to be their followers. as i think about this concept i wonder how many leaders in today's churches feel like lame duck leaders?

"sure i'm a pastor, but nobody seems to want to follow where i want to go."

"why won't anyone listen to my ideas anymore?"

the answer to the lame duck dilemma comes in a couple of ways; one of two things can change and one can take a cue from congress on this one.

1.) the leader in question can change. this seems to be the most popular option. when people are not satisfied with the performance, they will inevitably chooses someone who will satisfy them.

2.) the leader can work to learn, engage, and slowly change the minds of the people whom he leads. a prime example of this is....anyone?....Jesus. In scripture it is made apparent time and time again that Jesus was not the kind of messiah that everyone had been waiting for. he was in fact quite the opposite. but it was not his goal to make everyone happy, but to allow everyone to understand.

*lame duck n.
An elected officeholder or group continuing in office during the period between failure to win an election and the inauguration of a successor.
An officeholder who has chosen not to run for reelection or is ineligible for reelection.
An ineffective person; a weakling.


Lies said...
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Brett Moore said...

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