Tuesday, February 20, 2007


been out of the blogosphere all day, sorry about that. today brought with it some interesting events and challenges that took priority over my philosophical waxings on life. one of those things was that i had to tell the church staff that i was leaving. what a weird feeling. the feeling that i got while i was telling them made my stomach churn and my voice go up. this is weird because lane and i have been praying for months now that God would deliver us. that He would show us where it was that we were supposed to serve. the odd thing is that now that the time has come to flesh out those things, it is becoming pretty nerve wracking. not complaining here, just being honest.
one of the things that you don't realize is how, in leaving well, you can do things right for the people who are being left. you can be honest with leadership while still maintaining loyalty and integrity. you can make sure people know that really, it's not their fault. (if its not)

all of this on a day where i was waiting to see if we were going to be able to move into a house in l-ville or if it looked like 12 more months of rent. went well. thanks for praying. thanks God. you've been in this from the beginning, why should i be surprised now?? until then...

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