Friday, March 7, 2008


- Left my sunroof open last night...only to find that this morning I had a swamp of water waiting for me in my car.

- Getting ready for our first basketball game on Monday. Lifting and getting my legs up under me again.

- I'll be posting our schedule later this weekend so you all can come out and support the guys from 12Stone Church!!!

- Finishing up Organinc God tonight. Review to come soon!! I had a conversation with a parent / volunteer on Wednesday night and have found that the book has a large affect on a large amount of people.

- Does anyone else think that the only way to get through the months between Red Sox vs. Yankees rivalries comes from Duke vs. Carolina??

- Trying to do some research on Guiness World I'll ask a question: "What is the one record that you would like to see broken?"

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