Thursday, February 28, 2008

Last Night

Some stuff from last night

Changed our service flow at 10 min. til to push worship to the front of the actually turned out alright!

50% of our leaders (who are parents) were out at the parent seminar so that was a little interesting

We need some more work on our board of destiny

Great crowd- second largest of the year so far!

Talked about MS relationships - Who is in your inner circle?

John Lewis and Tony Trainer as Hans & Frans the announcement guys...enough said!

Message - recorded for the first time, pretty blunt, great response

Parents' seminar - Matt Brinkley brought the funk

Choose your own adventure video - funniest so far, seriously good stuff Shaver!

Met a lot of new students last night - where are all these guys coming from? It's awesome!

1 comment:

Caleb Land said...

I'd just like to aren't as cutting edge as you think. I did this "choose your own adventure" video last fall.

and you call yourself emerging